Internal & External Website Illustration



COVID-19 Website

COVID-19 Website

When COVID-19 hit the U.S. in 2020, many companies responded by implementing massive health and protective measures to slow the outbreak and keep employees, their families, and supply chains safe. This client implemented a robust response, and required an effective single source of truth for employees and contingent workers to find information, policies, resources and support. 

For the website, Weland Communications started with a strategy that clearly articulated what they wanted to accomplish with the site, who would use it and the desired user experience. For this website, we: 

  • Designed multiple user personas and built content paths that were relevant to them.

  • Created a visual design strategy and assets to help visitors understand how to navigate the site and complex topics such as health screenings and vaccines.

  • Crafted user-focused content that would help visitors understand what they needed to know and do to follow company policy and stay safe.

  • Set up a governance process that fit the client’s need for rapid, ongoing updates over a long period of time.

  • Helped launch and promote the new site through a variety of communication materials and channels.

Our client also sought help to design and launch a custom incident reporting and health screening apps to more than 20,000 team members. Weland Communications partnered with the third-party app vendor to:

  • Build the content that would be part of the apps.

  • Test the effectiveness of the apps to ensure they were fit for purpose.

  • Create visual assets that would be used in the apps.

  • Craft a communication campaign to launch the apps across the company.

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